Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Guns Don't Kill People.... Nuts with Guns Kill People

Today's news greets us:  once again a Zealot with a Gun - aka certified crazies protected by the NRA, the REPUBLICAN PARTY and a PARTISAN SUPREME COURT - takes a VICTIM.

This NUT-BAR was known to authorities - or at least known to the Southern Poverty Law Center - and had a record going back at least 25 YEARS.  More or less dating from the FIRST TIME he grabbed a gun and planned to take HOSTAGE a clutch of US government officials - the Governors of Federal Reserve Bank to be precise.

One is tempted to classify this as an UNFORTUNATE, but ONE-OFF incident.  The problem is.... IT ISN'T.  

Last week, a similarly senior citizen ambushed one of the few remaining obstetrician's willing to perform abortions for desperate women in the ENTIRE UNITED STATES.

Are we seeing a PATTERN?  Embittered old men with GUNS carefully stalking their targets, without tip-offs by their LOVING FAMILY who know PRECISELY what they are CAPABLE OF, RAVING IF NOT ACTUALLY PRE-PLANNING, and with no ATTEMPTED INTERFERENCE by police or other officials?

Another way to ask the question ... WHY do we bring all too often FLIMSY TERRORISM CHARGES against visiting Islamists and let PROVEN THREATS walk the streets, armed and dangerous?

It is not as if the SPLC's website is secret .. or doesn't IDENTIFY the active THREATS.
Nor is it classified information that PLANNED PARENTHOOD offices across the country are forced to TRACK THEIR OWN POTENTIAL ASSAILANTS and ASSASSINS.

Surely in a FAIR WORLD, a JUST WORLD, REAL, LIVE, IDENTIFIED THREATS - with their own public WEBSITES that virtually ADVERTISE their intended TARGETS - would find themselves under surveillance by the local, county or state police, or (perish the thought), the FBI...?

And one more thought:  what does it mean that OLD MEN are taking up arms against women's centers, against Holocaust Museums?

What is up with THAT?


Friday, April 17, 2009

The Medium is the Message - Deja Vu All Over Again.

In the unlikely event you slept through the last few days,  we passed an important WEEK in media.

First, Susan Boyle electrified the world on BRITAIN'S GOT TALENT - which was a little miracle in itself.  But the "wake-up call" was 8 million downloads within 72 hours.  8 MILLION!

Second, Ashton Kutcher challenged CNN to a duel, and within 24 hours, he pulled a MILLION votes, sliding past CNN, in spite of a lasts-minute charge by Anderson Cooper.  And as he noted, that was ONE person (albeit a star) against A WORLDWIDE MEDIA NETWORK ...

The INTERNET has graduated ... from a bleeding-edge niche product to a MEDIUM that has POWER to promote both the LARGE and SMALL, the RICH and the NO SO MUCH....

THE DREAM of an EQUALIZING MEDIUM was proven this week.... not only by VELOCITY but by NUMBERS.

In response, national governments and corporate behemoths will no doubt increase their VIGILANCE in controlling and acquiescing to such control.


AND moreover, TECHNOLOGY or rather, ANTI-TECHNOLOGY is on the side of HISTORY.

To quote the undying POGO, "We have met the enemy, and he is US."

We are on BOTH SIDES of this BATTLE...

and INDEED... the ENEMY of our ENEMY is OUR FRIEND. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I grew up living in the FUTURE - Anywhere but where I was.  School, work, plans - all done in favour of TOMORROW... 

A UK playwright once observed to a friend he met in a market upon being asked "How are you, Alan?" .... "If you think of your life as a week... it's Thursday."

Well... now it is.....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Friday, 2009

How would you like to settle
the arrangements whispers the indeterminate man
in the wrinkled suit.
my father asks do you take plastic?

Sons and fathers, i am thinking.
Fathers and sons.

Every schoolboy knows
a light-seeking tropism destroys all wings.
just as every father knows
we will not hear them melt. stop.

Each son is already betrayed;
bleeding, they cry out pitifully.
they hurdle toward earth, knowing
we do not reach them in time.

Sons and fathers, you are thinking.
Fathers and sons.

Your anger is righteous
and complete; my sadness
is without end.  Soon,
I shall be forced to watch you fly.